Why Yaks?

The meat is healthy

Yak meat is not only naturally super lean, it’s low in saturated fats and high in omega-3s, iron, and zinc. It has more protein than beef, pork, bison, and chicken. It’s a great option for people looking for a healthier substitute for beef. While it’s lean, it’s still juicy because of it’s high moisture content. The flavor isn’t gamey or greasy, and easily replaces beef in any recipe.

They are easier on the land

Yaks are about 2/3 the size of cattle but consume about 1/3 the amount of feed that cattle does. They have an instinct to gravitate towards higher places on the landscape, rather than lingering in riparian zones, which can cause damage. Their methane production is 25-50% less than cattle, making them a more sustainable choice.

They are multi-purpose

Yaks are good for much more than meat. Their fiber is extremely fine, insulating, and water resistant, making it great for cold-weather clothing. It acts like wool, keeping the heat in and moisture out. They say it’s the “new cashmere.”

They are also great pack animals. Originating on the Tibetan Plateau, they have adapted to the adverse conditions in the Himalayas and have amazing strength and endurance.

Their milk is also very nutrient-dense and the butter has about twice the fat content that cow’s milk does. Yak butter tea is a staple in the Himalayas for nutrition and hydration.

They are too darn cute!

Yaks’ wooly fur is so long it looks like they are all wearing skirts! Who can resist a fuzzy yak calf? The way they lift their tails when they run and buck is endearing and shows just how fun their personalities are.